VISION 2022/23
“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?’
Exodus 33:15-16
This is a key moment in time for us as Kings Church to LOOK UP to God, and welcome new rhythms of prayer & worship in communion with Him. We want to bring our whole focus into alignment with Jesus, and for Him to feed and nurture our spiritual roots. We don’t have all the answers, but God does.
God has been speaking to us as a leadership team about restoring and preserving us - just as the church roof slates damaged in the storm have been repaired, and the new windows in the King’s Centre are giving us new vision - we believe God is doing this in a spiritual way too. The invitation from God to us a church at such a time as this, is to pick up the mandate given by Jesus to be a people who will pray. We want to be a church who worships the Lord our God with all our heart. To be people who want to be with God, resting in him, knowing that He has blessed us and has a way forward for us.
As King’s Church family, we recognise that each and every one of us is important to God, and therefore important to King’s. We're going to focus on building up one another. Jesus calls us to be disciples who follow his commands of loving him and each other, and who are overflowing with his Holy Spirit. We believe community is a bi-product of discipleship - as we look up and seek God’s presence, we grow together, helping one another discover our part in church life. Remembering we’re the family of God, we’re going to BUILD UP one another with encouragement - sometimes with loving challenge (when needed) - choosing God’s path and celebrating times of joy together.
There are plenty of ways to get connected to the community here at Kings - follow the link below to find out about our upcoming events.
We want to be a people who WAKE UP the gifts and dreams that God has given us that have laid dormant, asking ourselves what’s in our heart? What gifts do we have? Where does that fit? God is stirring us to be awake to the things that Jesus is awake to, living out the promises of God, despite disappointments, in the place and the communities that He has put us, with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding us. Jesus calls each of us to follow Him closely and to use our God given gifts skills and talents to further His Kingdom here on the Earth.
We want to be a Church who grow into the likeness of Christ, whilst also being able to exercise our God given abilities.
We would love for you to follow the link below and take the time to fill in your responses to the test.
We have the vision for a church where we all actively GET UP and be ALL IN. As we’re looking up to God we want to be open to His plan - even if it’s new! For, if God is for us, then who can be against us?! We believe that God saves us for a purpose, that we’re all included and we can all be engaged in being part of God’s kingdom. We each have a role to play as we support and encourage each other, pointing one another to Jesus who is the author and perfecter of our faith. There are plenty of ways to use your gifts, and we want to create opportunities for each of us to grow in our gifts as we love and serve one another.
We invite you to join a team here at Kings - fill out the interest form below and someone from our team will be in touch soon!
Where are we leaning into that Holy Discontent, where we know, and see, that things are not as they are meant to be - on Earth as it is in Heaven? Jesus’s work on the cross has begun the process of reconciling all things back to that wholeness and fullness God intended. Jesus is still holding all things together, and sustaining all things - and we get to play a part in continuing that reconciliation! As image bearers of Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to move, we can use our voices to SPEAK UP to make a difference within our areas of influence. Asking the question - How can we put this right and restore? Little by little speaking light and life into the world.