Do you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of someone connected with King’s Church? Use our form to report your concerns to the Safeguarding coordinator.
If you believe a person is in immediate risk of harm, call 999 and follow their instructions.
At King’s Church we run a variety of activities for children, young people and adults. We recognise our responsibility for keeping people safe and have a safeguarding policy that outlines what we will do if we believe someone is at risk of harm, is being harmed, or has been harmed.
As part of the mission, the church is committed to:
Listening to, relating effectively and valuing all people whilst ensuring their protection within church activities.
Encouraging and supporting parents/carers/guardians
Ensuring that children’s/youth workers are given support and training
Having a system for dealing with concerns about possible abuse
Maintaining good links with the statutory care authorities
Areas Of Policy
The church recognises that people can be the victims of abuse and risk of harm.
The church takes seriously the following areas:
Responding to allegations of abuse, including those made against leaders or members of the church
Appointing children’s/youth workers, including volunteers.
Supervision of activities and practice issues
Helping and supporting victims of abuse
Working with offenders
Our guidelines have been prepared in consultation 31:8 (formally CCPAS) who hold a copy of our policy.
Safeguarding Coordinator
Our safeguarding team, Jimmy MacPherson (Safeguarding Lead) and/or Ruth Binstead (Safeguarding Deputy) can be contacted by emailing