What is Tiny Treasures all about?
Tiny Treasures provides a mid-week opporunity, 9.30-11am onTuesdays (termtime), for parents and carers of 0-5s within the church and from the local community to share life together.

We have a theme each week, crafts, snack time, free-play, sensory room friendship and support for parents & carers and a short time singing and learning something about God's family. Many people have told us that Tiny Treasures is their favourite group as we're so welcoming and accepting!

We have end of term parties in the main church, and once a month hold an additional parenting session which has helped build connection and openness.

Why join the team?
Whether you like chatting to parents/ carers, engaging with little ones, or providing practical support (like in the kitchen, creating crafts or with setup/ packdown), Tiny Treasures is such a joy to be a part of! There's such a buzz and it is a wonderful missional opportunity to connect with our community.

What does commitment look like?
Joining us each Tuesday/ every other Tuesday to help set up (arriving between 8.45-9am),
Taking on a role e.g. songs/ bringing snacks/ story time/ kitchen/ welcome/ craft or just general chat,
Helping to pack down and being ready to leave by about 11.15am.

What we offer in return…
Annual volunteer thank you celebration!!
Termly team nights (3x a year) to build-up, encourage and re-envision together.
Opportunity to feed-in to the planning of the sessions.
The joy of connecting with families from the community.
Fun and friendship.

Finding out more looks like…
Chat to Kate Ayliffe or email kate@thekings.church, join us one Tuesday so see what it’s all about!
(If joining the rota, a DBS check and safe-guarding training will be required).