Building Back Better Survey summary

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Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our short survey. With all that has gone on in the last year, we are really looking forward to a time when national restrictions have ended. Before that happens we wanted to give you the opportunity to feed back about how you are doing and how you personally are feeling about the changes ahead. Such as, gathering in larger numbers once more, life groups and how you would describe your walk with God at the moment. 

We have really appreciated all the responses we’ve had back. We’ve included the results of the questions, but for those of you who made specific comments that we can respond to, we will respond directly within the next two weeks. We are grateful for your responses and if you have any further things to add, we’d really welcome you to email us (, or come and speak with us directly. 

When asking for feedback and comments it is inevitable that we will hear different thoughts and viewpoints! This is the beauty of being different parts of one body, and so whilst not every single idea can be implemented, we want to assure you that we want to hear what you have to say and we are committed to following the leading of God into the mission He has for us as a church. We’d appreciate your prayer as we discern that with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

Once again, thank you for your time in taking part, 

With love, 
The senior leadership team. 


We had 69 responses to the survey which represent 66% of people who are ‘part of the family’. A cursory browse over some of the email addresses show that this also included people from all age ranges, which was really encouraging to see.

Church Gatherings 

With the prospect of restrictions lifting on large gatherings, we wanted to know how you felt about the prospect of meeting as a whole church family:

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It is really encouraging to see that many are keen to gather once again in larger groups and willing to be part of a team on Sundays. 

It is especially noticeable that many parents and carers are keen for their children to be part of groups once again on a Sunday. It may have seemed odd that while schools have returned for some time, we weren’t able to resume normal Sunday groups as we have done. This was a frustration for us also and a result of the limit of 15 children in any ‘outside school activity’ - even though things were very different in school. 

We do also recognise that for some people, coming back to larger gatherings immediately will not be easy. We would like to encourage you that if you would prefer to wear a mask and social distance even when restrictions have eased we would welcome that. We’d encourage everyone in our church family to be sensitive to others in this way recognising that we all need to respond at different paces.

Life Groups 

Life Groups have formed an integral part of our church community life over the last 18 months and we wanted to know how you felt about that continuing in this next season: 

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We’ve seen such fruit in our life groups and we have every intention of ensuring that they are not an ‘add-on’ to our church community but are right at the heart of it. We’d encourage anyone not in a life group and would like to, to get in touch with us on

Walk With God 

We wanted to understand how you feel about your walk with God over the last 18 months: 

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We know that for many of us the last 18 months have been a challenge. Yet it is so encouraging to see how many of you found your walk with God growing stronger! Thank you to those who bravely said they had found it difficult and some who had commented that at times you could have picked all the options, depending on the week! We will be following up with those who’ve left an email address and indicated they’d like a response to that and we’d really encourage you to reach out if you are struggling. The best place to do that is through your life group, who can journey with you through good times and bad. We also have an incredible pastoral and prayer team who would love to encourage and care for you. You can get in touch with them by emailing 

It is our hope that we will grow because of the journey we’ve been on as a church and as a nation over the last 18 months. We don’t want to lose what God has been doing as well as seize the new season we are moving into. We are glad you are on that journey with us!