What is the Prayer Ministry Team all about?
The prayer team is a group of people who want to help facilitate change in the lives of the people of Kings Church. We are available to pray for others during the response time after talks on a Sunday.

There are also a number of other prayer warriors who commit to praying for the needs of the church and covering prayer requests that we receive from the community.

Why join the team?
Praying for people and praying intercessory prayers on their behalf is such a joy and a privilege!

What does commitment look like?
Participation on this team requires that you be available a couple times a month to pray with people during the designated prayer time.

What we offer in return…
Prayer Ministry Training
Being part of a ministry where you remain in the service
Annual Volunteer celebration!
Termly Team Nights (3x a year) to connect and develop skills together

Finding out more looks like…
A chat with our executive pastor, Josh Binstead or email josh@thekings.church