“ To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.”
At King’s, we really believe in the power of prayer.
We are passionate about raising up people who pray expectantly for God to move.
Our first response is to model our lives after Jesus. Throughout the Gospels we see time and again Jesus prioritising time in prayer with his Father. All of His power, teaching, confidence and vision flowed from spending His time LOOKING UP to His Father. Jesus called the church to prayer before his ascension, and prayer was one of the defining features of the early church (Acts 2:42-47). Paul likewise called the church to worship and prayer and saw it as the foundation of his ministry. (see Ephesians 6:18-20, Colossians 4:2, and 1 Timothy 2:1).
We want to be a church that models ourselves after Jesus, creating space and time for us corporately and individually to spend time with the Father.
There are a number of ways you can get involved in prayer at King’s.
9th - 15th September
Week of Prayer
As we head into this new Term we want to be intentional about fixing our hearts and minds on Jesus through prayer.
Each day throughout the week there will be different prayer focusses which will help us work through the three areas of our Vision; presence, transformation and mission. Find out more here.
Pre Service Prayer
Sunday, 9:30am
Pre-Service Prayer
Every Sunday we gather one hour before the service (9:30am) to pray together. We spend about 30 minutes asking God to move in our church, our city, and our generation. We take time to quietly repent and refocus, praise God together, intercede, listen, and respond to what God is saying.
If you’re thinking of visiting, we’d love you to join us. Kids are invited too! Our Kids Pastors set up a special space for kids during this prayer time too, so that they can join in.
After pre-service prayer there’s plenty of time to grab a cuppa and something to eat before the service begins.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry
During every Sunday service you will have the opportunity to be prayed for by a member of our prayer ministry team, all of whom are gifted and trustworthy members of our church. They are passionate about praying with you to help you encounter the living God for yourself, and to seek His healing and blessing for your life.
If you’d like to have someone pray with you there will be opportunity for this during the second set of worship.
If you’d like prayer in the meantime please do email
Prayer Room
We have a wonderful space in the king’s centre church where you can come and spend time in prayer by yourself or with others.
At various times in the year, we’ll be putting aside time for committed prayer weeks. Keep an eye on our What’s On section to find out more.
If you’re interested in find out more about these times of prayer you can subscribe to receive updates below.