What is Go-Deeper all about?
Go Deeper is a group for 11 - 18 year olds that runs from 6:00pm-7:30pm fortnightly on Mondays. It’s for young people that want to explore their faith at a deeper level. Our vision is to see our young people really start to claim their faith as their own through providing a safe space for discussion and questions. We strive to create a culture of expectation and reliance on God through facilitating space to listen in to God and let the Holy Spirit guide them in all areas of their life. To grow closer as a community of young people who will encourage one another and build one another up in their pursuit of a relationship with Jesus.

Why join the team?
Being a Go Deeper volunteer is so rewarding. We get to have a whole load of fun with the young people through crafts, games and just spending time with them as they each bring so much to our group. As a team we continually feel strengthened in our own faith as the young people share their faith, words from God and minister to each other, it's a joy to walk alongside them in their faith journey.

What does commitment look like?
Once a month volunteering at Go Deeper, helping in either the 11-14s or 15-18s breakout teaching session, helping the same week each month (with the opportunity to swap when needed). Termly team meetings.
Arrive at 5:30 to help set up and pray over young people before they arrive
Be willing to join in with all the fun, games, conversation and model what it looks like to live in relationship with our Heavenly Father.

What we offer in return..
Annual Volunteer Celebration! Fun and friendship.
Termly Team Nights to invest, build-up and share together

Finding out more looks like…

A chat with Abby Cole (or email abby@thekings.church)
Coming along as a helper once or twice
(If joining the rota, a DBS check and safe-guarding training will be required)