This year we believe God has asked us to pursue LOOKING UP to Him with regular intentional rhythms of worship and prayer as individuals, households, families and church community, seeking to BUILD UP one another and WAKE UP the vision, dreams and gifts that God has given each of us, to GET UP and be involved and SPEAK UP for God’s justice. With 2023 being our Year of Discipleship, we’ve started developing rhythms to Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus and Do what Jesus did. For this year’s Gift Day, you’re invited to partner with King’s as we pursue this. Jesus said that “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” We recognise the current cost of living financial situation, and so this is an invitation to invest some of what God has given us, small or large, into where our heart is, LOOKING UP to God.
We invite you to prayerfully consider giving a one-off gift to sow into the King’s Church to see Faith, Hope and Love in these 3 areas:
Igniting Faith in the Next Generation
Upgrading space that will serve our youth and young adults. Creating a warm welcoming environment with all the resources required.
Sharing the love of Jesus
Running Alpha Course/s (starting January 2024)
Funds for Bibles and other materials
Generous Hospitality
Funding staff time
Developing our home
Investing into Audio/Visual capabilities in the church
Improving our ability to live stream and create online, digital content.
How to give
You can give via this link and select Gift Day 2023.