Becoming Part of the Family

Becoming part of the family is a commitment that says I'm 'all in' with the King’s Church family, under the leadership of the elders and the lead pastor.

The mission of King’s Church is that we would all Prioritise the Presence of God, be Transformed into the likeness of Jesus, and partner with the Holy Spirit on His Mission to Portsmouth and the world.

The Bible teaches that God welcomes everyone and places the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6) and He does so because we were not made to live life on our own (Genesis 2:18). It’s by being family together and loving each other that we show the world the love of God (John 13:35) and it’s through our church family (both local and global) that we are able to share the love of Jesus with the world. We are found by God, but formed in family.

The invitation is, to all of those who understand our mission and who want to partner with us to see it happen, to take a step towards being part of the family, so that we can share our lives, be accountable and commit together to putting God first, walking daily with Jesus and carrying His presence out into the world!

Our commitment as your Church family:

As Elders, in our responsibility as spiritual leaders, our commitment to you as the King’s Church family is to…

  1. Create opportunities to prioritise the Presence of God. We will learn and grow together to be Transformed into the likeness of Jesus and we will be equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to go out on Mission wherever God has placed us.

  2. Ensure the faithful preaching of God’s word, through many and varied opportunities to develop greater understanding of scripture and deeper relationship with God.

  3. Make a large church feel small, providing opportunities for all to connect and build friendships, be cared for and equipped in discipleship through teams, life groups, prayer and pastoral care.

  4. Keep you well informed, inviting you into the journey of where the church is going through regular transparent communication and an invitation to the Annual General Meeting for updates regarding finances and vision.

  5. Welcome those who are new and honour those sent out.


We believe that flourishing growth comes from participation and so our call to you is that….

Being part of the Church Family means that together we:

Pray, Participate, Commit, Serve, Give*

  1. Pray for our church, its leaders and the church family - speaking highly of them, honouring them and choosing love in difficult situations.

    • Find out more about our life of prayer at King’s here.

  2. Participate each week, seeing gathering on a Sunday as a priority. Hungry to spend time in the presence of God in prayer, worship and the word - not just attending the church, but also finding ways to serve.

    • Find out about our ministries and ways you can get involved here.

  3. Commit time into a Life Group (our small group communities), to build friendships; supporting and encouraging each other as disciples of Jesus throughout the week.

    • Join a Life Group and find our more here.

  4. Serve the local community, wider city and our places of influence through Mission.

    • Find out more information here about our local and global missions.

  5. Give generously our first and our best as a tithe to the Lord. This is both an act of worship and sacrifice as we give back to God a little of what He has first given to us.

    • Want to find out more about ways to financially give click here.

  6. Telling the elders if you decide to move on, change location or join together with another church family of believers. This would be welcomed through conversation or via emailing

*We have grace for all seasons, recognising that there are moments when the following commitments might not be able to be fully lived out, please do stay in contact with your life group leaders/ team leaders/ the pastoral care team/ the elders so that we can stand with you in the ups and downs of life - this is one of very joys of being part of the family together!

To become part of the family, use the form below: