We’d love for you to join us at Easter!
Sunday Service times unless otherwise stated:
Pre Service Prayer 9:30am
Refreshments 10:00am
Main Gathering 10:30am
Jesus' journey to the cross started with celebration and hope on that first Palm Sunday. Join us as we focus on the joy that can be found regardless of circumstances - we'll be sharing everyday stories of God's goodness, helping to see Holy Week through the lens of joy and hope.
This Good Friday, we're making space to reflect on the great work done on the cross on that first Good Friday. We'll gather together for worship, reflection, communion and lots of space to dwell in the presence of God. Doors open at 7pm. Service Starts 7.10pm.
Join us to celebrate the most important day...ever with a service for all ages. Inc. all inclusive worship, an inclusive talk and creative response. After the service we'll enjoy Easter treats together, Crafts and an Easter Trail with an Easter Egg prize for everyone!