What is Accessibilty all about?

At King’s Church we want to be an accessible church to those for whom church so often is not accessible at all. The OLIVIA ministry reaches out to adults with a learning disability by providing a safe space to learn about Jesus and be a part of the family of God. The OLIVIA group meets once a month at the church, and we offer Makaton signing during the Sunday morning service.

Why join the team?
The Wednesday evening OLIVIA group will be one of the best nights of your week! The evening is a celebration event, not just for our group members, but for the team as well. God has made each and everyone one of us in His image (Gen 1:27), fearfully and wonderfully (Ps. 139:13-14), with gifts and talents (1 Cor. 12) - supporting and empowering someone with a learning disability to discover that they are a child of God with gifts and a purpose for their life is such a privilege.

What does commitment look like?
The OLIVIA group meets once a month on a Wednesday evening. You don’t have to commit to serving every month, but reliability is important as some of our group members need to know who will be helping at group meetings.

Makaton Signing on Sundays - as this is a brand new team, we will be discussing what the commitment looks like as we set up the team. Joining the signing team will require signing practice.

What we offer in return...
The Annual Volunteer Celebration. Training and equipping (including Makaton). Team meeting to encourage one another and plan the OLIVIA sessions together 4x per year. The incredible joy and freedom that comes with encountering God in a totally different way.

Finding out more looks like…
Speak to Janneke or email - Janneke@thekings.church. Please do not come along to a Wednesday without a chat with Janneke first. When joining the team, a DBS check and safeguarding training will be required.